For 18 years World Bio Markets has been uniting and connecting the bioeconomy value chain from lab to market and driving change through commercially viable innovation.
The event connects and generates deal flow between bio-developers and producers, global brands and buyers, investors and financiers, and community enablers and suppliers.
Let us help you commercialise, scale your business and tap into growing markets as the world goes through the biggest transformation and re-allocation of capital and jobs in its history.
World Bio Markets 2024 saw over 350 attendees joining us for two days of 1-2-1 meetings, conference sessions and networking in The Hague.
Highly targeted and pre-arranged 1-2-1 commercial meetings are key to accelerating the growth of the bioeconomy and are at the heart of World Bio Markets.
Our format removes the element of luck from traditional networking and provides the most cost and time efficient way of connecting with potential new customers and partners.
Our 2024 event had a record number of meetings, with the meeting tables on The Exchange being totally, 100% fully booked across the two days.
Anna-Marise Rocha
Port of Amsterdam
World Bio Markets 2025 has been designed to connect and generate deal flow between more than 450 industry leaders across bio developers and producers, global brands and buyers, investors and financiers, community enablers and suppliers.
If you operate within the bioeconomy and wish to scale your business at a faster pace, or if you are interested in the role of the bioeconomy in fighting climate change, World Bio Markets is THE event for you.
Catarina Vannfält
IKEA Supply Service AB
We’re excited to be launching our new event in the U.S. this year!
Bio Innovations Midwest is the new event dedicated to driving the exciting growth of industrial biomanufacturing in the U.S.
On 24-25 September, over 250 industry leaders will connect in Omaha via a programme of pre-arranged 1-2-1 commercial meetings, knowledge exchange and networking.
This two day event will present the Midwest as the heartland of the US bioeconomy and will generate deal flow between bio developers and producers, global brands and buyers, investors and financiers, community enablers and suppliers.
Deniz Dayan
Stora Enso